Welcome to Miss Nasca's Fantastic First Grade!


Royalty-Free (RF) Clipart Illustration of a Month Of June Sun by Prawny



 This Week!! Monday 6/4/12- Friday 6/8/12


Gym Classes will be Monday, Thursday and Friday

Library books are due.  Last day of Library will be Tuesday 6/12/12


9am-10am "Stranger Danger" Presentation by Officer Brinkworth in the Gym.  Parents are welcome to attend!

"Night of the Arts" Performance, students MUST ATTEND. Students are to be in their classroom by 5:45.


9am South District Councilman Chris Scanlon will be a guest reader in our class.

Walk-a-thon Rain date 1pm




  This year we are continuing our character education program at NDA.  Each month I will choose one "shining star" from our class that continuously displays the trait of the month. 

This month's trait is  Honesty